Mark Kulik

Will the 2020 Election Impact Healthcare M&A?

Join The Braff Group at BRG's Healthcare Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. from December 4-6. President Dexter Braff is featured on Thursday's 11:30 AM panel, Will the 2020 Election Impact Healthcare M&A?

Overheard at NAHC

Following this year’s annual National Association for Home Care & Hospice Conference, the scariest event facing the Home Health industry wasn’t was the pending implementation of Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) beginning January 1, 2020!

Increasing your agency’s value at NAHC’s FMC

The hospice mergers & acquisition market has been at an all-time high for the past 18-24 months, but some sellers seem to enjoy a higher valuation than others. ​​​​​​​Why? There are many reasons, beyond just size, why some agencies are worth more in the eyes of a buyer.

Dexter Braff on The 10-Year Outlook for Health Care

Dexter Braff is speaking regarding The 10-Year Outlook on Healthcare & Value at the inaugural HI2 conference. The steady shift from fee-for-service to risk-based payment will create huge entrepreneurial growth opportunities over the next 10 years:

CMS Lifts Moratoria on Home Health After 5 Years

The temporary ban on the Medicare Provider Enrollment Moratoria became effective last month. It's expected that this move by CMS will allow agencies to improve patient access to home-based care. Managing Director Mark Kulik spoke with Home Health Care News regarding the positive impact this will have in the industry. “I think competition is what’s

Active year for mergers & acquisitions; small agencies continue to struggle

2018 was another vigorous year for mergers and acquisitions in home health markets. Home Health and Hospice Managing Director Mark Kulik recently spoke to Home Health Line regarding the deal activity for the year, some of the bigger acquisitions, and what agency owners can do moving forward to make their company profitable for a pending sale. “It’s the