Join The Braff Group at BRG’s Healthcare Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. from December 11-13. President Dexter Braff is featured on Wednesday’s 9 AM panel, The State of Healthcare Capital Markets.

Upon the election of President Trump, many predicted an upswing in healthcare transactions, but the failure to achieve a complete overhaul of the ACA early on has rocked the capital markets. A panel of leading financiers will predict what we may see in 2018 with regard to M&A activity, consolidation trends, deal prices, interest rates, lending trends, and private equity activity.

Dexter and Home Health and Hospice Managing Director Mark Kulik are attending and will be available to meet in the Sponsor’s Lounge.

If you would like to schedule a specific time for a one-on-one meeting, please contact Ariel Veltre at 412-283-0066.