If you missed Dexter Braff’s, President of The Braff Group, one of the nations leading health care M&A advisory firms, recent presentation at the inaugural Health IT Expo, you’re in luck. Dexter gave a recap of his presentation “Health Care IT M&A: Surviving the Valley of Death” to The #HCBiz Show.

It is the Healthcare IT Entrepreneurs’ Dilemma. In order to become a Unicorn, you either have to survive or take a long detour around the Valley of Death, that strange netherworld where the value of your company can actually drop once you become marginally profitable. As counterintuitive as that may seem, it is strangely logical once you realize that valuation – especially in technologically innovative sectors – is rooted far more in “behavioral economics” than rigorous math. In this session, we explore the phases of value a health IT company can anticipate and the challenges – and opportunities – it may face as it moves through them.

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