
Overheard at JP Morgan

Every January, thousands of health care investors and bankers and providers, oh my, flock to Union Square in San Francisco for Healthcarepalooza, otherwise known as the JP Morgan Health Care Conference.

Addiction Treatment Providers Get the Googly Eyes

If the Ambien has yet to kick in (or that late night pepperoni and jalapeño pizza has), you’ll probably notice that 1-800 TV ads for addiction treatment are squeezing out the chat lines, driver training schools, and injury lawyers during that...

Digital Health:  There’s a There, There.  But Where?

Define Digital Health, or Health Care Information Technology in a 100 words or less. How about a thousand words or less. Or how about at all. Challenging as it may be, references to Digital Health and HIT are so ubiquitous that they go down as easily as Red Bull and Doritos during...