The Braff Group Attending UCA 2019

What makes the urgent care sector unique is we are seeing hospitals, physician groups, and insurers get in the action – not just for the revenues urgent care can generate, but also for the role it can play as an entry-point into the system that can be leveraged to direct patients to the most effective venues of care.

Court Finds What You Already Knew: Insurers Are Fighting Parity

In what will likely go down as a landmark decision that will ripple throughout the insurance and behavioral health industry, "a federal judge in Northern California ruled that a unit of UnitedHealth Group, the giant health insurer, had created internal policies aimed at effectively discriminating against patients with mental health and substance abuse disorders to save money.”

The Evolving Landscape of Substance Use Disorder Mergers and Acquisitions

The market for Substance Use Disorder treatment facilities still remains very active, but buyers are starting to explore other options. In a report published by Vista Research Group, Dexter Braff explores market trends in behavioral health, noting that buyers are pivoting in other directions like non-residential counseling programs and medication-assisted treatment programs.

The Braff Group Attending WIBA 2019

The Braff Group Major Sponsor of WIBA 2019. In Autism Services, we know the variables – and how to communicate them – to capture and emphasize our Clients’ Value Proposition

CMS Lifts Moratoria on Home Health After 5 Years

The temporary ban on the Medicare Provider Enrollment Moratoria became effective last month. It's expected that this move by CMS will allow agencies to improve patient access to home-based care. Managing Director Mark Kulik spoke with Home Health Care News regarding the positive impact this will have in the industry. “I think competition is what’s

M&A market buzzes in lead up to gap period

It was a busy fourth quarter in 2018 for home medical equipment mergers and acquisitions. Due to substantive changes in CMS’s decision to pause competitive bidding for two years, buyers are showing interest in the sector again. HME Managing Director Pat Clifford also commented to HME News that interest is strong not only in

Steve Garbon Answers The Proust Questionnaire For Dealmakers

In an interview with The DealRoom, Director of Finance Steve Garbon shared some intriguing insight on future M&A activity, deal disasters, and unrealistic valuation expectations. If we have to address those concerns before going to market, our nicheness allows us to have a comprehensive database of transactions for each of our sectors…so we have cold hard

How Mergers Will Affect Pharmacists

Two mega healthcare and pharmacy deals are in the works, which shows that bigger companies continue to get bigger. The CVS-Aetna merger and the Cigna-Express Scripts merger further consolidate the market, a trend Reg Blackburn notes has been happening for a long time. He explains more in an interview with Drug Topics. “I think it’s part

Dexter Braff Speaking at CASP 2019 Conference

Autism, Mergers and Acquisitions, and You Dexter Braff Speaking: Monday, January 14 | 2:15 PM Perhaps the worst kept secret in health care mergers and acquisitions is that the market for autism service providers is positively scalding. But why? What market forces have converged to push market valuations to levels typically reserved for the