
marketALERT: Will At-Risk Youth Become The Next Big Thing In Behavioral Health M&A

The signs are out there.And they’re pointing the way towards a possible resurgence in at-risk youth mergers and acquisitions activity.Although there are many variations on the theme, conditions are ripe for a rise in consolidation activity in health care services when some or all of the following market factors are in play.

marketALERT: Overheard at JP Morgan

Overheard at JP Morgan Every January, thousands of health care investors and bankers and providers, oh my, flock to Union Square in San Francisco for Healthcarepalooza, otherwise known as the JP Morgan Health Care Conference.  While some come bearing a golden ticket to attend the actual meeting, the overwhelming number of “attendees” are party crashers

marketALERT: When Is The Best Time To Sell Your Autism Company

Autism Providers: When Should You Sell?  (And Why it’s OK to Think About it). Like  it or not (and you might as well like it), buyers also love what you do, creating unprecedented opportunities that you may never have anticipated, but no less deserve. For insight into this difficult decision, read our latest marketALERT