Overheard at NAHC
Following this year’s annual National Association for Home Care & Hospice Conference, the scariest event facing the Home Health industry wasn’t Halloween...it was the pending implementation of Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) beginning January 1, 2020!
Creating real transformation at Rock Health Summit
It's where the most innovative minds in health care and technology meet. Join our Digital Health team at the eight annual Rock Health Summit.
The Unsolicited Query
Why responding to an unsolicited query to buy your business can bite you in the end.
Selling Your Business
10 Critical strategies to maximize value in a divestiture
When is the Right Time to Sell?
To bring some rigor to such a difficult and often emotion-laden decision, The Braff Group developed a three-part decision construct to narrow down the best time to sell or perhaps seek an equity investment.
AdaptHealth announces high-profile merger
After acquiring over 50 companies since 2012, AdaptHealth is going public with its merger with DFB Healthcare Acquisitions Corp.